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O. Abdel-Kareem
A. Abdel-Rahman
S.H. Samaha
H.E. Nasr


This study aims at establishing and designing effective conservation processes to conserve a Coptic textile object selected from museum of faculty of Applied Arts in Egypt. Various novel investigation methods were used to assess the statement of the selected textile object before establishing any conservation process. Inves-tigations and analysis were carried out for identifying the fibers and the extent of deterioration by using non-invasive methods. Transmitted light microscope (TLM) and scanning Electron microscope (SEM) were used for identifying the fibers and the various deteriorated aspects. Also, the fungal microflora deteriorating the selected textile object was identified. Then different conservation processes were established and used to con-serve the selected textile object according to its condition and statement. The results showed that the selected textile object was very dirty, with cavities and holes, wrinkles and creases, and also noticed fibers damage. These damages may be due to the improper displayed method in the museum, or due to the incompatible environmental conditions surrounding the artifacts during exhibition such as: light, temperature, relative hu-midity, pollutants and fungal attacks. The results show that the most dominant fungi isolated from the current textile object belong to Alternaria, Aspergillus, Chaetomium, Penicillium and Trichoderma species. In this study, various techniques were used for treatment and protection of textile object. For disinfection of fungal infesta-tion on the Coptic textile object, a fungicide that is safe for both the textile object and the conservator has been used. Various methods were used for cleaning the textile object. The current textile object was consolidated and reinforced using modified nano polymer (microemulsion polymer prepared from Methyl methacrylate (MMA) and Hydroxy ethyl methacrylate (HEMA) monomers using Eco-friendly initiation system represented as ultrasonic mechanism). The selected nano polymer was applied on a silk screen that has been previously treated with Neo-Desogen fungicide. The treated new silk screen was used for reinforcement of the textile object. Treatment of this textile object by the suggested nano polymer and fungicide not only reinforces this textile, but also prevents fungal deterioration and increases the durability of this textile object. Finally the current study suggested recommendations for display of the current textile object in its showcase in the mu-seum.

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